Review on MUA Blusher

I am going to show and review for you what must be one of if not my favourite sets of power blushers I think I have ever brought and used. This Set of 6 (yes 6) blushes are from MUA cosmetics and are uber cheap at £1 GBP per Item.

One thing I adore about this product is unlike a lot of both high end and drug store products that I have seen is that MUA cosmetics have given these blushers sweet names, for the nudie coloured blushers they have named them Cupcake, Lolly and Bon Bon and the pink coloured blushers they have named Candyfloss, Marshmallow and Bubblegum. Cupcake is a beautiful matte pale peach shade which on my skin gives me an almost sun kissed glow. Lolly is a soft orange colour according to sites online but if you are paled skinned like myself it comes out as more of a medium to dark orange. Bon Bon is an Apricot colour again according to pages online but my pale skin makes it look quite dark, almost a rich pinkie colour with a hint of red. Candyfloss when looking at my swatches looks like a medium pink with a slight shimmer. Marshmallow is a dark, rich pink colour on my pale skin and Bubblegum looks like a neon pink with an ever so slight shimmer.

There is one downside that I have found to the price tag of this product and that is the packaging. The Blusher that they brought out before this product was very sturdy and it didn’t look like it would break easily, with this packaging however they have completely changed the look by making it slim line and the closing mechanism is a small black circular peg which last for a while but can break out of nowhere leaving the blusher unprotected and you don’t realise until it’s too late and your blusher is broken and unusable. The other downside to this is the texture, the texture is a little hit and miss with me personally as on one hand the texture feels chalky almost like kids make up as you can see on the heavy swatches but on the positive side it feels velvety when it hits the cheekbone.

All in all, I personally love this product despite of the couple of flaws with it and would in all honestly would buy them again but the only thing I would have to be more careful of storing them. I would recommend this blusher but just be warned, I am not 100% sure about shipping and where if anywhere they ship to so just be warned.

You can buy these products at

Thanks for reading this post and remember
"Battle through the tough things in life with a smile on your face”




On the left is the newer design of the blusher, The one on the right is the older.


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