
DIFF Eyewear Note

I have some exciting news for you.. If you have read my review on Diff eyewear ( if you haven't you can read it Here and thought to yourself " I love the look of them" or " Id love a pair" I have something to share with you..... As someone who loves loves loves this company and the charity work they do I have become an ambassador with them and have a link to share with you that can get you 10$ off a purchase...... click this link to receive your 10$ off

Review on MUA Blusher

I am going to show and review for you what must be one of if not my favourite sets of power blushers I think I have ever brought and used. This Set of 6 (yes 6) blushes are from MUA cosmetics and are uber cheap at £1 GBP per Item. One thing I adore about this product is unlike a lot of both high end and drug store products that I have seen is that MUA cosmetics have given these blushers sweet names, for the nudie coloured blushers they have named them Cupcake, Lolly and Bon Bon and the pink coloured blushers they have named Candyfloss, Marshmallow and Bubblegum. Cupcake is a beautiful matte pale peach shade which on my skin gives me an almost sun kissed glow. Lolly is a soft orange colour according to sites online but if you are paled skinned like myself it comes out as more of a medium to dark orange. Bon Bon is an Apricot colour again according to pages online but my pale skin makes it look quite dark, almost a rich pinkie colour with a hint of red. Candyfloss when looking at m

Review on Kylie Jenner Sinful Colors range

I’m going to be doing a quick review on the Kylie Jenner Sinful Colors Nail Polishes. When I heard that Superdrug (which is a Drugstore I suppose in the UK I think I have brought up before) where doing these polishes there wasn’t even a word to describe my excitement being a huge fan of Kylie Jenner and her style these were number one on my shopping list and I constantly checked the page on Superdrug for the release dates like a loony. When the first set came out the “King Kylie”, I honestly think it sold out the minute it went up because I went in three or four times looked on every counter and shelf and it was nowhere (I got the top coat before polish go figure) but when I eventually got a couple of polishes I brought. All in all out of the 4 sets they brought out I have brought 5 different colours which were “Kween” (which to me is a fuchsia pink colour but according to the sinful Colors website is Ruby Red ) and “Kryptonite” ( which is a glittery green colour) which are both fr

Review of Lush "cupcake" fresh facemask

I’m going to review a recent purchase of the "cupcake" fresh face mask from Lush cosmetics. I have use this facemask a few times prior to writing this review and I have honestly nothing but love for it. For years, I have suffered with my skin both spot and blackhead wise and have never been able to find any kind of help from any brand then I went into Lush about 3 years ago, tried it and never went anywhere else. Something else which I love Lush Cosmetics is that they are cruelty free and don’t test on animals. Lush cosmetics have a selection of face masks both in store and online and leave the ingredients they use in the masks quite clearly on their websites. What I will say to you though if you have allergies to certain ingredients like banana or lavender (which is the first things that came to mind as there my allergies ha-ha) make sure you do indeed check this as some aren’t quite clear. Available face masks that they have focus on different skin types and different

Review on Diff Sunglasses

Hiya Guys, Why I try and get used to both a) doing daily posts again and b) What I will write about each day I have decided that for this post I would review my sunglasses from Diff eyewear ( A few months back with my eye and head being its normal painful wanting to pull my hair out self (which I will probably bring up on anther post) I decided I needed some sunglasses so I searched for some decent sunnies as I was getting frankly annoyed with constantly buying cheap pairs and then either not helping or going walkabouts which in my house happens to pretty much everything. In my search, I found this website which is American based but ship worldwide (yayyy). When I found Diff eyewear I feel in love with their stock instantly. They have five different styles to choose from in a lot of different colours in the medium price range bracket. When I eventually brought some about 6 weeks later I must admit, I did end up getting four sets as I just couldn’t pick

Welcome to my blog.

Welcome to my blog,   I started this blog from my previous blog as I after a while realised that I wasn't really writing about what originally, I wanted my blog to be about so I started this blog from scratch. As well as the odd review and weight loss journey I will be writing about my everyday thoughts and subjects I feel strongly about. I will be posting at least twice a week and I hope you will like what you read. If you do please leave a comment and also let me know what you want to see and what you want me to write posts about.   “remember battle through the tough things in life with a smile on your face”