Review of Lush "cupcake" fresh facemask

I’m going to review a recent purchase of the "cupcake" fresh face mask from Lush cosmetics. I have use this facemask a few times prior to writing this review and I have honestly nothing but love for it. For years, I have suffered with my skin both spot and blackhead wise and have never been able to find any kind of help from any brand then I went into Lush about 3 years ago, tried it and never went anywhere else. Something else which I love Lush Cosmetics is that they are cruelty free and don’t test on animals.

Lush cosmetics have a selection of face masks both in store and online and leave the ingredients they use in the masks quite clearly on their websites. What I will say to you though if you have allergies to certain ingredients like banana or lavender (which is the first things that came to mind as there my allergies ha-ha) make sure you do indeed check this as some aren’t quite clear. Available face masks that they have focus on different skin types and different issues you may have with your skin too (i.e. sudden breakout). With me, I’m one of these unlucky people who have combination skin my t-zone gets incredibly oily when the rest of my skin gets very dry (especially if it hits certain hot and cold temperatures (I think it’s the pale skin)) and after asking in my local shop this mask was suggested to me. Additionally, my brother has used this too as he gets extremely hard acne breakouts on his forehead and they do help soften them slightly.

When you purchase the product whether it this or another product, it comes in a small 75g black pot and if you buy in shop will be placed in ice to help it keep it solidish (if that’s a word) state Just remember to put it back in the fridge when you get it/ are done with it. When you open the pot, you get the overwhelming scent of the chocolate and I don’t know if others have felt the same but I will admit I have wanted to eat some but haven’t (I’m not that bad lol) and lush also appear to have foreseen this issue many may have gone through and put this on the labelling (which I find funny),

When I opened the pot the look of the mask was very different to normal they may have mixed up the formula slightly I’m not sure but it went on ever so slightly more difficult than when it was the previous mixture (disclaimer: -like I said I don’t know if the mixture has been changed it could have been to do with the heat when I brought it). When I put it on my face it was difficult to rub on my face due to the consistency of the mask. After about 20 mins, when I had finally got it on my face it was again vary patchy in places and didn’t feel like it did when I had brought it before. It says on the pot to leave for 5-10 minutes then wash it off this in my using didn’t work as I waited I think 15 mins as my skin is bad and it still wasn’t drying. When I took it off, I made the mistake and forgot to wash it off over a sink and did it on the floor of my living room and it went everywhere LITERALLY everywhere. After using two towels I finally got it off and my skin looked and felt amazing and I had a “Pregnancy glow” per my mother (I’m not btw)

I think that even though the mask seemed more different than normal I have nothing but compliments for this product and would recommend anyone to buy this product that does have problematic skin. 5* from me

You can buy both online and in store at this link and finding your country and looking for facemask under the face category or

Uk -  for £6.95

Thank you for reading this and please remember
“battle through the tough things in life with a smile on your face”



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